Project Goals

CABRI-Volga is an important project in support of the European Union's international cooperation goals. It has the following four overarching goals:

  • Foster institutional (chiefly research/scientific) cooperation and networking within the basin and with EU counterparts;

  • Increase (and coordinate) research on risks and develop/trial approaches for assessing risk;

  • Channel results back into EU/international processes; and

  • Leave a legacy that within the region enables institutional cooperation on risk management, transparent policy development and opportunities to participate in political processes for citizens.

These overarching goals translate into four strategic objectives.

Expert groups

Networking and collaboration is realised through the following five expert groups. See more information on the first and second expert group meetings.

Target groups

Target groups of the project are river basin constituents in the European region and include:

  • Researchers and scientists

  • Environmental risk and water quality managers of water management authorities

  • Policymakers

  • Polluters

  • International organisations and government institutions interested in Russia (for example EC/UN/Banks/bilateral funders)

  • Environmental and other non-governmental organisations

CABRI-Volga Leaflet (2-page PDF)

CABRI-Volga strategic objectives