CABRI-Volga Deliverables

  • CABRI-Volga deliverable D2:
    Environmental Risk Management in the Volga Basin:
    Overview of present situation and challenges in Russia and the EU

    Executive summary (13-page, 50-KByte PDF)
    Full document (100-page, 3.5-MByte PDF)

  • CABRI-Volga deliverable D3:
    Environmental Risk Management in Large River Basins:
    Overview of current practices in the EU and Russia

    Executive summary (14-page, 70-KByte PDF)
    Full document (112-page, 1.5-MByte PDF)

  • CABRI-Volga deliverable D4:
    The Volga Basin’s Development: Today’s Problems, Tomorrow’s Challenges
    Challenges and Obstacles in Environmental Risk Management in the Volga Basin
    Full document (94-page, 840-KByte PDF)

  • CABRI-Volga deliverable D5:
    CABRI-Volga Policy Recommendations
    Full document (55-page, 290-KByte PDF)

  • CABRI-Volga deliverable D6
    CABRI-Volga Future Research Agenda
    Full document (26-page, 153-KByte PDF)


See the full-text of the Russian Water Code, the European Union's Water Framework Directive and the EU Groundwater Directive.